From Green to Clean!
St Patty’s Day has come and gone, but the green pools don’t go away as quickly. We are getting SOS calls for green to cleans and swamp to swims. Is your pool still green? We can help. Just remember this is a sure sign of spring and bluebonnets!
Pool Peeps Business
We are excited for being featured in the Fair Oaks and Dominion magazines this month. Thank you to Doug Kidder was kind enough to let us use his pool as a backdrop for the photos. His dogs, Cody and Davey were there too and tried sneaking in the photos.
We made the Expertise list as the top pool cleaning business in San Antonio and the only company from Boerne to make the list. They looked at 325 pool companies in the area only 19 made the cut. Pool Peeps is the very proud sponsor Boerne Little League’s Indians. They play at Northrup Park so we hope to see you there.
Pool Peeps Home
Juno is getting bigger and a handful when she is wound up. She thinks her name is Juno-no! We have found a great trainer and will be sending her off to camp.
Khufu seems relieved when she is finally crated at night, she harasses him the most. The old man of the crew, Lucky is doing as well as can be expected. It’s been over a year since he was diagnosed with cancer. He still has a whole lot of heart and even tries to play with Juno. He pretty much gets whatever he wants these days.
The butterfly is still with us and as soon as it can fly we will release it.
Megan and Conor are doing well. We don’t get to see them as often as we would like, but that is what FaceTime and texting is for.
Stock up on sunscreen and bug spray—it’s going to be a great summer by the pool!!